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STMr 0.1.6

CRAN release: 2023-11-02

STMr 0.1.5

CRAN release: 2022-09-17

  • Added day counter (day) in the strength_training_log dataset. This will be used for an example on how to use the rolling estimation
  • Added estimate_rolling_1RM() function. This is used to implement “embedded testing” using training logs to estimate both reps-max profiles and 1RMs
  • Updated the README.Rmd file with the above additions
  • Added TOC to README.Rmd

STMr 0.1.4

CRAN release: 2022-08-31

  • Fixed a bug in scheme_rep_acc() - now the END rep and step is used, and the reps are counted backwards as intended
  • Added comment in the vertical_generic() and vertical_rep_accumulation() to avoid generating rep accumulation schme using those two functions, but rather using scheme_rep_acc()
  • Formatting error in scheme_() functions
  • Changed default progression table to progression_perc_drop in all scheme_() functions
  • Changed default vertical planning to vertical_const in all scheme_() functions
  • Fixed a bug in scheme_light_heavy() - now it takes the highest rep and use that to estimate %1RMs
  • Added scheme_ladder() set and rep scheme
  • Added function. This functions is to be applied AFTER scheme is generated. Other options is to use scheme_rep_acc() function, that is flexible enough to generate most schemes, except for the scheme_ladder() and scheme_light_heavy()
  • Added vertical_block_undulating() vertical planning function. This is a combination of Block Variant (undulation in the steps) and Undulating (undulation in reps)
  • Fixed a “corner case” bug in scheme_generic(), where vertical_set_accumulation didn’t repeat the adjustments, which cause problems if only single set is accumulated. This is because the adjustments were not accumulated, but rather “recycled”.
  • Changed the parameter name from accumulate_rep to accumulate_set in vertical_set_accumulation() and vertical_set_accumulation_reverse() functions
  • Expanded the README.Rmd to include the discussion on Rep Accumulation scheme
  • Added extra features to vertical_set_accumulation() and vertical_set_accumulation_reverse() (see sequence argument)
  • Fixed the default arguments for adjustment in the scheme_ functions. Now they are flexible, depending on the reps argument, but follow the general logic of a given scheme.
  • Improved and simplified scheme plotting in plot_scheme() function. Removed {ggstance} from package dependencies
  • Added font_size arguments to plot_scheme() and plot_progression_table() functions
  • Removed default progression table from generate_progression_table(), create_example(), plot_progression_table() functions
  • Added plot_vertical() function for plotting vertical plan
  • Created STMr_scheme class (subclass of data frame), and now scheme can be plotted by using simple S3 plot method. plot_scheme() function is now deprecated. Added three types of plots: bar, vertical, and fraction. The STMr_scheme class has now the following columns: index, step, set, reps, adjustment, and perc_1RM.
  • Added STMr_vertical constructor. Now the vertical_ functions return STMr_vertical data frame object with following column names: index, step, set, set_id, and reps. set_id is needed to sort out an issue (see above) for the vertical_set_accumulation() and vertical_set_accumulation_reverse() vertical plans when adjustment is applied inside scheme_generic() function
  • In the output of the scheme_light_heavy() and scheme_ladder() functions, I have set adjustment to NA since to avoid confusing the user. This is because due to the modifications that these functions does to the “light” sets, the adjustment is not applicable and not related to selected progression table
  • Added ggfittext package dependency, so the plot labels are now flexible and fit the “container”. This can be useful when set accumulation is used, so the labels do not go outside of the bars
  • Added reps_change to vertical_set_accumulation() and vertical_set_accumulation_reverse(), making them really flexible functions
  • Added scheme_manual() for manual generation of the scheme, which provides for the ultimate flexibility
  • Added perc_str argument to plot() S3 method, which allows the user to remove “%” and thus have more space for label
  • Created release function and S3 plot method for merging multiple schemes (i.e., blocks or phases) into one release. This is used to inspect how multiple back-to-back phases mold together
  • Added perc_1RM argument to scheme_manual() for the user to provide manual 1RM percentages, rather than to be estimated
  • Added scheme_perc_1RM() which is simpler scheme_manual() for manually entering 1RM percentages. For example creating simple warm-up scheme
  • Added + method for STMr_scheme objects. This allows for easy modular adding of the schemes

STMr 0.1.3

CRAN release: 2022-03-16

  • Changed the STMr to ‘STMr’ in the DESCRIPTION as per CRAN member recommendation
  • Added documentation about the functions output/return values as per CRAN member recommendation. Documentation for the following functions has been updated: create_example(), get_perc_1RM(), get_reps()

STMr 0.1.2

STMr 0.1.1

  • Added different weighting options for the estimate_ family of functions. These include

    • “none” (for equal weight, or no weighting of the observations)
    • “reps” (for 1/reps weighting)
    • “load” (for using weight or %1RM)
    • “eRIR” (for 1/(eRIR+1) weighting)
    • “reps x load”
    • “reps x eRIR”
    • “load x eRIR”
    • “reps x load x eRIR”
  • Added strength_training_log dataset. Single individual performing two strength training sessions per week, over the course of 12 weeks (4 phases, each 3 weeks long). Individual eRIR (estimated reps-in-reserve) subjective rating is included in the dataset. This dataset is used to demonstrate techniques for embedded testing of the 1RM and individual profiles

  • Added estimate_k_quantile(), estimate_kmod_quantile(), and estimate_klin_quantile() functions to implement non-linear quantile estimation of the parameters

STMr 0.1.0

  • REWRITTEN the whole package. This version will have compatibility issues with the previous version due to different naming of the functions. The package is now more modular, flexible, and can be parameterized more easily

  • The functions are organized in the following manner:

    • estimation functions (start with estimate_)
    • reps-max functions (start with max_). Epley’s, Modified Epley’s and Linear/Brzycki’s model are implemented
    • adjustment functions (start with adj_). Deducted Intensity (DI), Relative Intensity (RelInt), Reps In Reserve (RIR), and % Max Reps (%MR) methods are implemented
    • wrapper functions get_reps() and get_perc_1RM() are implemented to combine reps-max models as well as progression (adjustment) functions into easy to use format
    • progression functions (start with progression_) are implemented and allow easy parameterization to involve specific model and their estimated parameter values
    • vertical planning functions (start with vertical_)
    • scheme function (start with scheme_)
    • plotting and printing functions: generate_progression_table(), plot_progression_table(), plot_scheme(), and create_example()
  • Fixed few typos in citation()

  • Added sample data set nRM_testing, which contains reps max testing of 12 athletes using 70, 80, and 90% 1RM

STMr 0.0.3

  • Estimated 1RM in estimate_xxx_1RM() functions is now in the second place in coefficient order
  • Added create_example() function for quickly creating example using selected progression table

STMr 0.0.2

  • Added functionality to forward extra arguments to a custom max-reps functions (i.e., get_max_perc_1RM()). Also see get_max_perc_1RM_k() functions
  • Added get_max_perc_1RM_k(), get_max_reps_k(), and get_predicted_1RM_k() functions that uses user defined k value/parameter. Together with the previous functionality, use is not able to easily create custom max-reps table functions with extra arguments. This provides great flexibility
  • Added get_max_perc_1RM_kmod(), get_max_reps_kmod(), and get_predicted_1RM_kmod() functions that uses user defined kmod value/parameter for the modified Epley’s equation Added get_max_perc_1RM_klin(), get_max_reps_klin(), and get_predicted_1RM_klin() functions that uses user defined klin value/parameter for the linear equation
  • Added estimate_ family of functions to estimate Epley’s, modified Epley’s, and linear equation parameters, as well as novel estimation functions that uses absolute weight to estimate both k, kmod, klin and 1RM parameters
  • Added missing font_size when plotting adjustments using plot_progression_table()

STMr 0.0.1

  • Initial complete version of the package
  • Added Relative Intensity and %MR progression tables
  • Added plotting functions


  • Added a file to track changes to the package.