probe_vj simulates the vertical jump, but estimate which parameter brings biggest change. This is done by keeping all parameters at initial value, while changing only one parameter. This is then repeated for all parameters. This way we can answer by changing what parameter for standardize change (change_ratio) yield biggest change in summary metric (e.g. jump height)

  mass = 75,
  push_off_distance = 0.4,
  max_force = 3000,
  max_velocity = 4,
  time_to_max_activation = 0.3,
  change_ratio = seq(0.9, 1.1, length.out = 3),
  aggregate = "raw",



Numeric value. Initial parameter value to be changed using change_ratio.


Numeric value. Initial parameter value to be changed using change_ratio


Numeric value. Initial parameter value to be changed using change_ratio


Numeric value. Initial parameter value to be changed using change_ratio


Numeric value. Initial parameter value to be changed using change_ratio


Numeric vector indicating probing change ratios


How should vj_simulate output be aggregated? Default is "raw". Other options involve "ratio" and "diff" which use initial output values


Extra argument forwarded to vj_simulate


Probing data frame


require(tidyverse) vj_probe_data <- probe_vj( mass = 75, max_force = 3000, max_velocity = 3, time_to_max_activation = 0.3, time_step = 0.001 ) # Invert for mass and time_to_max_activation vj_probe_data$change_ratio <- ifelse( vj_probe_data$probing == "time_to_max_activation", 1 / vj_probe_data$change_ratio, vj_probe_data$change_ratio ) vj_probe_data$change_ratio <- ifelse( vj_probe_data$probing == "mass", 1 / vj_probe_data$change_ratio, vj_probe_data$change_ratio ) plot_data <- gather(vj_probe_data, key = "variable", value = "value", -(1:9)) %>% filter(variable %in% c( "height", "take_off_time", "mean_velocity", "peak_velocity", "take_off_velocity", "mean_GRF_over_distance", "mean_GRF_over_time", "peak_GRF", "peak_power", "mean_power", "peak_RFD", "peak_RPD" )) plot_data$reverse <- plot_data$probing %in% c("mass", "time_to_max_activation") ggplot(plot_data, aes(x = change_ratio, y = value, color = probing, linetype = reverse)) + theme_minimal() + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free_y") + xlab("Normalized parameter change") + ylab(NULL) + scale_color_manual(values = c( "mass" = "#4D4D4D", "max_force" = "#5DA5DA", "max_velocity" = "#FAA43A", "push_off_distance" = "#60BD68", "time_to_max_activation" = "#B276B2" ))