This function plots the selected estimator

# S3 method for athletemonitoring
plot(x, type = "line", ...)



Object of class athletemonitoring


Type of the graph. Use "bar", "calendar", "table" or "line" (default). See Examples


Extra arguments. See Examples


# Load monitoring data set

# Filter out only 'Training Load'
monitoring <- monitoring[monitoring$Variable == "Training Load", ]

# Convert column to date format (or use numeric)
monitoring$Date <- as.Date(monitoring$Date, "%Y-%m-%d")

# Run the athlete monitoring data preparation
prepared_data <- prepare(
  data = monitoring,
  athlete = "Full Name",
  date = "Date",
  variable = "Variable",
  value = "Value",
  acute = 7,
  chronic = 42,

  # How should be missing entry treated?
  # What do we assume? Zero load? Let's keep NA
  NA_session = NA,

  # How should missing days (i.e. no entries) be treated?
  # Here we assume no training, hence zero
  NA_day = 0,

  # How should be multiple day entries summarised?
  # With "load", it is a "sum", witho other metrics that
  # do not aggregate, it can me "mean"
  day_aggregate = function(x) {
    sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Rolling estimators for Acute and Chronic windows
  rolling_estimators = function(x) {
      "mean" = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
      "sd" = sd(x, na.rm = TRUE),
      "cv" = sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) / mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Additional estimator post-rolling
  posthoc_estimators = function(data) {
    data$ACD <- data$acute.mean - data$chronic.mean
    data$ACR <- data$acute.mean / data$chronic.mean
    data$ES <- data$ACD / data$

    # Make sure to return the data

  # Group summary estimators
  group_summary_estimators = function(x) {
      "median" = median(x, na.rm = TRUE),
      "lower" = quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]],
      "upper" = quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]]
#> Preparing data...
#> Rolling...
#> Group summaries...
#> Missing data summaries...
#> Done!

# Get summary
#> Athlete monitoring numeric data with the following characteristics:
#> 10 athletes:
#> Alan McDonald, Ann Whitaker, Eve Black, Frank West, John Doe, Michael Peterson, Mike Smith, Peter Jackson, Stuart Rogan, Susan Kane 
#> 363 days:
#> From 18263 to 18625 
#> 5200 total entries
#> 0 missing entries
#> 510 missing days
#> 0 extended days
#> 1 variables:
#> Training Load 
#> 10 estimators:
#> variable.value, acute.mean,,, chronic.mean,,, ACD, ACR, ES
#> # A tibble: 10 × 16
#>    athlete          variable     `Total entries` `Day entries` `Missing entries`
#>    <chr>            <chr>                  <dbl>         <int>             <dbl>
#>  1 Alan McDonald    Training Lo…             520           363                 0
#>  2 Ann Whitaker     Training Lo…             520           363                 0
#>  3 Eve Black        Training Lo…             520           363                 0
#>  4 Frank West       Training Lo…             520           363                 0
#>  5 John Doe         Training Lo…             520           363                 0
#>  6 Michael Peterson Training Lo…             520           363                 0
#>  7 Mike Smith       Training Lo…             520           363                 0
#>  8 Peter Jackson    Training Lo…             520           363                 0
#>  9 Stuart Rogan     Training Lo…             520           363                 0
#> 10 Susan Kane       Training Lo…             520           363                 0
#> # ℹ 11 more variables: `Missing days` <int>, `Extended days` <int>,
#> #   `Start date` <dbl>, `Stop date` <dbl>, Mean <dbl>, SD <dbl>, Min <dbl>,
#> #   Max <dbl>, Median <dbl>, IQR <dbl>, MAD <dbl>

## Plots

# Table plot
# Produces formattable output with sparklines
  type = "table",

  # Use to filter out estimators
  estimator_name = c("acute.mean", "chronic.mean", "ES", "", ""),

  # Use to filter out athlete
  # athlete_name = NULL,

  # Use to filter out variables
  # variable_name = NULL,

  # Show last entries
  last_n = 42,

  # Round numbers
  digits = 2
# Bar plot # To plot group average plot( prepared_data, type = "bar" ) #> Plotting average across athletes. Please select athlete or use `trellis=TRUE` #> Warning: Removed 42 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range #> (`geom_line()`). #> Warning: Removed 42 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range #> (`geom_line()`). # To plot per athlete, use trellis argument plot( prepared_data, type = "bar", trellis = TRUE ) #> Warning: Removed 420 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range #> (`geom_line()`). #> Warning: Removed 420 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range #> (`geom_line()`). # To filter out athletem variable and add Acute and Chronic lines to the group average: plot( prepared_data, type = "bar", # To filter out athletes # athlete_name = NULL, # To filter out variable # variable_name = NULL, # Add acute mean acute_name = "acute.mean", # Add chronic mean chronic_name = "chronic.mean", # Plot last n entries/days last_n = 42 ) #> Plotting average across athletes. Please select athlete or use `trellis=TRUE` # If you want to plot for each athlete, use trellis=TRUE plot( prepared_data, type = "bar", acute_name = "acute.mean", chronic_name = "chronic.mean", last_n = 42, trellis = TRUE ) # Line plots # These plots represent summary of the rollins estimators plot( prepared_data, type = "line", # To filter out athletes # athlete_name = NULL, # To filter out variables # variable_name = NULL, # To filter out estimators # estimator_name = NULL, # Tell graph where the lower group estimator is # which is in this case 25%th percentile of the group group_lower_name = "group.lower", # The name of the centrality estimator of the group group_central_name = "group.median", # Tell graph where the upper group estimator is # which is in this case 75%th percentile of the group group_upper_name = "group.upper", # Use trellis if you do not plot for a single individual trellis = TRUE ) # Previous chart looks messy because it plot all athletes # To avoid that, filter out only one athlete plot( prepared_data, type = "line", # To filter out athletes athlete_name = "Ann Whitaker", group_lower_name = "group.lower", group_central_name = "group.median", group_upper_name = "group.upper", trellis = TRUE ) # Calendar heatmap plot plot( prepared_data, type = "calendar", # To filter out athletes athlete_name = "Ann Whitaker", # To filter out variables variable_name = "Training Load", # To print estimator estimator_name = "variable.value", # Or use "entries" # To filter out last days last_n = 365, # To setup colors low_color = "white", high_color = "red", na_color = "grey50", # Should the whole year be plotted? # Otherwise full months are plotted full_year = FALSE, # Should year label be plotted? # in the case of multiple years involved # it is always plotted year_label = FALSE, # Short weekdays? short_weekday = TRUE, # Label size label_size = 2, # Aggregation function in the case multiple athletes/variables/levels are used aggregate_func = mean ) # Nominal data # Create nominal variable monitoring$Value_nominal <- cut( monitoring$Value, breaks = 5, labels = c("Very Easy", "Easy", "Medium", "Hard", "Very Hard"), include.lowest = TRUE ) # Run the athlete monitoring data preparation prepared_data <- prepare( data = monitoring, athlete = "Full Name", date = "Date", variable = "Variable", value = "Value_nominal", acute = 7, chronic = 42, # How should be missing entry treated? NA_session = "<<<Session Missed>>>", # How should missing days (i.e. no entries) be treated? NA_day = "<<<Day Missed>>>", # How should be multiple day entries summarised? # This is different with levels, for example # when there are two sessions, one is Low and one Hard # if you use mean, then Low and Hard will be 0.5, with sum # both will be 0.5, in which case the level probabilities will be # summed to 1 day_aggregate = function(x) { mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) }, # Rolling estimators for Acute and Chronic windows rolling_estimators = function(x) { c( "prop" = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) ) }, # Additional estimator post-rolling posthoc_estimators = function(data) { data$ACD <- data$acute.prop - data$chronic.prop data$ACR <- data$acute.prop / data$chronic.prop # Make sure to return the data return(data) }, # Group summary estimators group_summary_estimators = function(x) { c( "median" = median(x, na.rm = TRUE), "lower" = quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]], "upper" = quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]] ) } ) #> Using nominal approach: column 'value' in the 'data' provided is not numeric. It will be treated as nominal and each level will be analyzed as separate variable using rolling counts approach. #> Preparing data... #> Rolling... #> Group summaries... #> Missing data summaries... #> Done! prepared_data #> Athlete monitoring nominal data with the following characteristics: #> #> 10 athletes: #> Alan McDonald, Ann Whitaker, Eve Black, Frank West, John Doe, Michael Peterson, Mike Smith, Peter Jackson, Stuart Rogan, Susan Kane #> #> 363 days: #> From 18263 to 18625 #> #> 34260 total entries #> #> 0 missing entries #> 510 missing days #> 0 extended days #> #> 1 variables: #> Training Load #> #> 6 levels: #> <<<Day Missed>>>, Easy, Hard, Medium, Very Easy, Very Hard #> #> 5 estimators: #> variable.value, acute.prop, chronic.prop, ACD, ACR summary(prepared_data) #> # A tibble: 60 × 11 #> athlete variable level `Total entries` `Day entries` `Missing entries` #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> #> 1 Alan McDonald Training… <<<D… 571 363 0 #> 2 Alan McDonald Training… Easy 571 363 0 #> 3 Alan McDonald Training… Hard 571 363 0 #> 4 Alan McDonald Training… Medi… 571 363 0 #> 5 Alan McDonald Training… Very… 571 363 0 #> 6 Alan McDonald Training… Very… 571 363 0 #> 7 Ann Whitaker Training… <<<D… 571 363 0 #> 8 Ann Whitaker Training… Easy 571 363 0 #> 9 Ann Whitaker Training… Hard 571 363 0 #> 10 Ann Whitaker Training… Medi… 571 363 0 #> # ℹ 50 more rows #> # ℹ 5 more variables: `Missing days` <int>, `Extended days` <int>, #> # `Start date` <dbl>, `Stop date` <dbl>, Proportion <dbl> # Plots plot( prepared_data, type = "line", # To filter out athletes athlete_name = "Ann Whitaker", # To filter out variables variable_name = "Training Load", # To filter out estimators estimator_name = "acute.prop", group_lower_name = "group.lower", group_central_name = "group.median", group_upper_name = "group.upper", trellis = TRUE )