Prepare Athlete Monitoring Data

  day_aggregate = function(x) {     sum(x) },
  NA_session = NA,
  NA_day = NA,
  acute = 7,
  chronic = 28,
  rolling_fill = NA,
  rolling_estimators = function(x) {     c(mean = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), sd =
    stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE), cv = stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)/mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
    conf = sum(! },
  posthoc_estimators = function(data) {     return(data) },
  group_summary_estimators = function(x) {     c(median = stats::median(x, na.rm =
    TRUE), lower = stats::quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]], upper =
    stats::quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]]) },
  iter = TRUE



Data frame


Name of the column in the data where the athlete id or name is located


Name of the column in the data where the date is located. date has to be either Date or numeric class


Name of the column in the data where the variable name is located


Name of the column in the data where the value of variable is located


Function for aggregating multiple day entries. Defaults is sum


What value should be imputed for missing values in value? Default is NA


What value should be imputed for missing days? Default is NA


Duration of the acute rolling window. Default is 7


Duration of the chronic rolling window. Default is 28


Value used to fill start of the rolling windows. Default is NA


Function providing rolling estimators. See Details


Function providing post-hoc estimators. See Details


Function providing group summary estimators. See Details


Should progress be shown? Default is TRUE


Object of class athletemonitoring


Extra arguments ... involve use_counts for nominal model


# Load monitoring data set data("monitoring") # Filter out only 'Training Load' monitoring <- monitoring[monitoring$Variable == "Training Load", ] # Convert column to date format (or use numeric) monitoring$Date <- as.Date(monitoring$Date, "%Y-%m-%d") # Run the athlete monitoring data preparation prepared_data <- prepare( data = monitoring, athlete = "Full Name", date = "Date", variable = "Variable", value = "Value", acute = 7, chronic = 42, # How should be missing entry treated? # What do we assume? Zero load? Let's keep NA NA_session = NA, # How should missing days (i.e. no entries) be treated? # Here we assume no training, hence zero NA_day = 0, # How should be multiple day entries summarised? # With "load", it is a "sum", witho other metrics that # do not aggregate, it can me "mean" day_aggregate = function(x) { sum(x, na.rm = TRUE) }, # Rolling estimators for Acute and Chronic windows rolling_estimators = function(x) { c( "mean" = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), "sd" = sd(x, na.rm = TRUE), "cv" = sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) / mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) ) }, # Additional estimator post-rolling posthoc_estimators = function(data) { data$ACD <- data$acute.mean - data$chronic.mean data$ACR <- data$acute.mean / data$chronic.mean data$ES <- data$ACD / data$ # Make sure to return the data return(data) }, # Group summary estimators group_summary_estimators = function(x) { c( "median" = median(x, na.rm = TRUE), "lower" = quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]], "upper" = quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]] ) } )
#> Preparing data...
#> Rolling...
#> Group summaries...
#> Missing data summaries...
#> Done!
# Get summary prepared_data
#> Athlete monitoring numeric data with the following characteristics: #> #> 10 athletes: #> Alan McDonald, Ann Whitaker, Eve Black, Frank West, John Doe, Michael Peterson, Mike Smith, Peter Jackson, Stuart Rogan, Susan Kane #> #> 363 days: #> From 18263 to 18625 #> #> 5200 total entries #> #> 0 missing entries #> 510 missing days #> #> 1 variables: #> Training Load #> #> 10 estimators: #> variable.value, acute.mean,,, chronic.mean,,, ACD, ACR, ES
#> # A tibble: 10 x 15 #> athlete variable `Total entries` `Day entries` `Missing entrie… #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> #> 1 Alan McDonald Training Load 520 363 0 #> 2 Ann Whitaker Training Load 520 363 0 #> 3 Eve Black Training Load 520 363 0 #> 4 Frank West Training Load 520 363 0 #> 5 John Doe Training Load 520 363 0 #> 6 Michael Peterson Training Load 520 363 0 #> 7 Mike Smith Training Load 520 363 0 #> 8 Peter Jackson Training Load 520 363 0 #> 9 Stuart Rogan Training Load 520 363 0 #> 10 Susan Kane Training Load 520 363 0 #> # … with 10 more variables: Missing days <dbl>, Start date <date>, #> # Stop date <date>, Mean <dbl>, SD <dbl>, Min <dbl>, Max <dbl>, Median <dbl>, #> # IQR <dbl>, MAD <dbl>
## Plots # Table plot # Produces formattable output with sparklines plot( prepared_data, type = "table", # Use to filter out estimators estimator_name = c("acute.mean", "chronic.mean", "ES", "", ""), # Use to filter out athlete # athlete_name = NULL, # Use to filter out variables # variable_name = NULL, # Show last entries last_n = 42, # Round numbers digits = 2 ) # Bar plot # To plot group average plot( prepared_data, type = "bar" )
#> Plotting average across athletes. Please select athlete or use `trellis=TRUE`
#> Warning: Removed 42 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
#> Warning: Removed 42 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
# To plot per athlete, use trellis argument plot( prepared_data, type = "bar", trellis = TRUE )
#> Warning: Removed 420 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
#> Warning: Removed 420 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
# To filter out athletem variable and add Acute and Chronic lines to the group average: plot( prepared_data, type = "bar", # To filter out athletes # athlete_name = NULL, # To filter out variable # variable_name = NULL, # Add acute mean acute_name = "acute.mean", # Add chronic mean chronic_name = "chronic.mean", # Plot last n entries/days last_n = 42 )
#> Plotting average across athletes. Please select athlete or use `trellis=TRUE`
# If you want to plot for each athlete, use trellis=TRUE plot( prepared_data, type = "bar", acute_name = "acute.mean", chronic_name = "chronic.mean", last_n = 42, trellis = TRUE )
# Line plots # These plots represent summary of the rollins estimators plot( prepared_data, type = "line", # To filter out athletes # athlete_name = NULL, # To filter out variables # variable_name = NULL, # To filter out estimators # estimator_name = NULL, # Tell graph where the lower group estimator is # which is in this case 25%th percentile of the group group_lower_name = "group.lower", # The name of the centrality estimator of the group group_central_name = "group.median", # Tell graph where the upper group estimator is # which is in this case 75%th percentile of the group group_upper_name = "group.upper", # Use trellis if you do not plot for a single individual trellis = TRUE )
# Previous chart looks messy because it plot all athletes # To avoid that, filter out only one athlete plot( prepared_data, type = "line", # To filter out athletes athlete_name = "Ann Whitaker", group_lower_name = "group.lower", group_central_name = "group.median", group_upper_name = "group.upper", trellis = TRUE )
# Calendar heatmap plot plot( prepared_data, type = "calendar", # To filter out athletes athlete_name = "Ann Whitaker", # To filter out variables variable_name = "Training Load", # To print estimator estimator_name = "variable.value", # Or use "entries" # To filter out last days last_n = 365, # To setup colors low_color = "white", high_color = "red", na_color = "grey50", # Should the whole year be plotted? # Otherwise full months are plotted full_year = FALSE, # Should year label be plotted? # in the case of multiple years involved # it is always plotted year_label = FALSE, # Short weekdays? short_weekday = TRUE, # Label size label_size = 2, # Aggregation function in the case multiple athletes/variables/levels are used aggregate_func = mean )
# Nominal data # Create nominal variable monitoring$Value_nominal <- cut( monitoring$Value, breaks = 5, labels = c("Very Easy", "Easy", "Medium", "Hard", "Very Hard"), include.lowest = TRUE) # Run the athlete monitoring data preparation prepared_data <- prepare( data = monitoring, athlete = "Full Name", date = "Date", variable = "Variable", value = "Value_nominal", acute = 7, chronic = 42, # How should be missing entry treated? NA_session = "<<<Session Missed>>>", # How should missing days (i.e. no entries) be treated? NA_day = "<<<Day Missed>>>", # How should be multiple day entries summarised? # This is different with levels, for example # when there are two sessions, one is Low and one Hard # if you use mean, then Low and Hard will be 0.5, with sum # both will be 0.5, in which case the level probabilities will be # summed to 1 day_aggregate = function(x) { mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) }, # Rolling estimators for Acute and Chronic windows rolling_estimators = function(x) { c( "prop" = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) ) }, # Additional estimator post-rolling posthoc_estimators = function(data) { data$ACD <- data$acute.prop - data$chronic.prop data$ACR <- data$acute.prop / data$chronic.prop # Make sure to return the data return(data) }, # Group summary estimators group_summary_estimators = function(x) { c( "median" = median(x, na.rm = TRUE), "lower" = quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]], "upper" = quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)[[1]] ) } )
#> Using nominal approach: column 'value' in the 'data' provided is not numeric. It will be treated as nominal and each level will be analyzed as separate variable using rolling counts approach.
#> Preparing data...
#> Rolling...
#> Group summaries...
#> Missing data summaries...
#> Done!
#> Athlete monitoring nominal data with the following characteristics: #> #> 10 athletes: #> Alan McDonald, Ann Whitaker, Eve Black, Frank West, John Doe, Michael Peterson, Mike Smith, Peter Jackson, Stuart Rogan, Susan Kane #> #> 363 days: #> From 18263 to 18625 #> #> 34260 total entries #> #> 0 missing entries #> 510 missing days #> #> 1 variables: #> Training Load #> #> 6 levels: #> <<<Day Missed>>>, Easy, Hard, Medium, Very Easy, Very Hard #> #> 5 estimators: #> variable.value, acute.prop, chronic.prop, ACD, ACR
#> # A tibble: 60 x 10 #> athlete variable level `Total entries` `Day entries` `Missing entrie… #> <chr> <chr> <fct> <int> <int> <int> #> 1 Alan McDo… Training … Very Ea… 571 363 0 #> 2 Alan McDo… Training … Easy 571 363 0 #> 3 Alan McDo… Training … Medium 571 363 0 #> 4 Alan McDo… Training … Hard 571 363 0 #> 5 Alan McDo… Training … Very Ha… 571 363 0 #> 6 Alan McDo… Training … <<<Day … 571 363 0 #> 7 Ann Whita… Training … Very Ea… 571 363 0 #> 8 Ann Whita… Training … Easy 571 363 0 #> 9 Ann Whita… Training … Medium 571 363 0 #> 10 Ann Whita… Training … Hard 571 363 0 #> # … with 50 more rows, and 4 more variables: Missing days <int>, #> # Start date <date>, Stop date <date>, Proportion <dbl>
# Plots plot( prepared_data, type = "line", # To filter out athletes athlete_name = "Ann Whitaker", # To filter out variables variable_name = "Training Load", # To filter out estimators estimator_name = "acute.prop", group_lower_name = "group.lower", group_central_name = "group.median", group_upper_name = "group.upper", trellis = TRUE )