S3 method for printing bmbstats results

# S3 method for bmbstats
print(x, ...)



Object of class bmbstats


Extra arguments. Not used


x <- bmbstats(iris, SESOI_lower_function = function(data, na.rm, init_boot) { sd(data$Sepal.Length) * -0.2 }, SESOI_upper_function = function(data, na.rm, init_boot) { sd(data$Sepal.Length) * 0.2 }, estimator_function = function(data, SESOI_lower, SESOI_upper, na.rm, init_boot) { list(mean = mean(data$Sepal.Length), SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower, SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper) }, control = model_control(boot_type = "perc", boot_samples = 50) )
#> Bootstraping: 50 resamples
#> Calculating confidence intervals...
#> Done!
#> Bootstrap with 50 resamples and 95% perc confidence intervals. #> #> estimator value lower upper #> mean 5.8433333 5.6665439 6.0503478 #> SESOI_lower -0.1656132 -0.1819310 -0.1476033 #> SESOI_upper 0.1656132 0.1476033 0.1819310