This data set is used in Jovanovic, M. (2020) and it is generated for the purpose of demonstrating
one particular method of dose-response modeling. It represents strength training dose for N=10
athletes over 90 days. Training dose is represents with total upper- or lower- number of lifts
), while the training response is represented with estimated 1RM variable
). Additional variables in this data set are workout
(either Total, Lower, Upper
or Off) and type
indicating training stress (easy, medium, hard).
Data frame with 900 observations and 8 variables:
Factor with 10 levels, indicating athlete names
Integer vector, indicating training day, from 1 to 90
Factor with 4 levels, indicating type of training session: Total, Lower, Upper and Off
Factor with 4 levels, indicating training stress: Easy, Medium, and Hard
Integer vector, indicating upper body number of lifts in a session. This represent the training dose
Integer vector, indicating lower body number of lifts in a session. This represent the training dose
Numeric vector, indicating estimated 1RM, or the training response
Numeric vector, indicating day-to-day change in est1RM
Jovanović M. 2020. Strength Training Manual: The Agile Periodization Approach. Independently published. ISBN: 9798604459898