Constructor for the dorem
control object
dorem_control( weights = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, loss_func = dorem_loss_func, link_func = dorem_no_link_func, perf_func = dorem_perf_func, optim_method = valid_optimization_methods(), optim_maxit = 1000, optim_VTR = -Inf, optim_grid_n = 5, optim_trace = FALSE, coefs_start = NULL, coefs_lower = NULL, coefs_upper = NULL, cv_repeats = NULL, cv_folds = NULL, shuffle = FALSE, iter = TRUE, seed = NULL )
weights | Default is NULL |
na.rm | Default is TRUE |
loss_func | Function used in optimization objective function. Default is |
link_func | Function used to convert predictions. Default is |
perf_func | Function used to quantify model fit. Default is |
optim_method | Optimization method. The list of supported methods is |
optim_maxit | Maximal number of iterations for the optimization method. Default is 1000 |
optim_VTR | Value To Reach in the optimization method. Default is -Inf |
optim_grid_n | Number of search values for each predictor used in gridSearch method. Default is 5 |
optim_trace | Should optimization trace be shown? Default is FALSE |
coefs_start | Starting values for coefficients |
coefs_lower | Lower bound for coefficients |
coefs_upper | Upper bound for coefficients |
cv_repeats | Number of CV repeats |
cv_folds | Number of CV folds |
shuffle | Should shuffle be performed? Default is FALSE |
iter | Should iter be shown? Default is TRUE |
seed | Random number seed |
data("bike_score") banister_model <- dorem( Test_5min_Power ~ BikeScore, bike_score, method = "banister", control = dorem_control( cv_folds = 3, cv_repeats = 5, shuffle = TRUE ) )#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>