Example data provided in supplementary material of Clarke & Skiba, 2013 paper, freely available on the publisher website. Data set contains cycling training load (i.e. dose) measured using the BikeScore metric (in AU) over 165 days, with occasional training response measured using 5-min Power Test (in Watts). Using Banister model implemented in Microsoft Excel, Clarke & Skiba, 2013 estimate the following parameters:

  • Intercept of 262 W

  • Gain of Positive Training Effect of 0.18 W/AU

  • Gain of Negative Training Effect of 0.23 W/AU

  • Time Constant of Positive Training Effect of 36 days

  • Time Constant of Negative Training Effect of 21 days

  • Sums of Square Error equal to 20.25 W

  • R Squared (Variance explained) of 0.979



Data frame with 3 variables and 165 observations:


Integer vector


BikeScore training load metric in arbitrary units


Results of occasional 5min Power Test in Watts


Clarke DC, Skiba PF. 2013. Rationale and resources for teaching the mathematical modeling of athletic training and performance. Advances in Physiology Education 37:134–152. DOI: 10.1152/advan.00078.2011.