Example data to demonstrate measurement error concept. Data consists of 20 athletes with their True Score (TS) bodyweight (kg) and five Observation Scores (OS) measured over 5 occasions using measuring scale with fixed bias, proportional bias, and random error. The mathematical notation is the following: $$OS = Fixed\; Bias + (Proportional \; Bias\times TS) + \epsilon$$ The following relationship between TS and OS is used in this data sample: $$OS = 1 + (1.01 \times TS) + \mathcal{N}(0,\, 0.5)$$



A data frame with 20 rows and 7 variables:


Name of the athlete


True score

OS 1

Observed score 1

OS 2

Observed score 2

OS 3

Observed score 3

OS 4

Observed score 4

OS 5

Observed score 5


True Score has the \code{mean} of 75kg and \code{sd} of 10